Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Auburn - Perfect two (w/ lyrics)

I Love YouWolfy!


Wolfy is THE Most Best Fiance Ever! Yes Fiance! He Asked Me To Marry Him Again! <3 He Is Positve About What He's Decided This Time! I Love Him! <3 He told me that he wasn't gonna listen to what anyone tells him anymore! Because it wasn't like we were gonna be married right away anyway! We were gonna wait til he was out of school at the least, which would have been 1 year! But now I know that we're gonna wait til we are both at least 20! So People Need To Stop Telling Us We're Going To Fast! SHUT UP PEOPLE! I'm Getting Tired Of Being Told That We're Going Too Fast, SHUT YOUR MOUTHS! WE KNOW WHAT WE'RE DOING PEOPLE! GEEZ!
Ok, now I got that out.... I LOVE YOU WOLFY! You Are The Best Fiance Ever!!!! <3 
Now For Those Of You Who Care, The Song "Perfect Two" by Auburn Is The Song I Call Dibs On For Wolfy! It Reminds Me Of Him! I'll post it on here in my next post!


Saturday, March 19, 2011


I went to the Mall today with my Aunt, and two Cuzes, and their little ones, to find some swim trunks for the wittle baby boy. he got some really cute ones that have crabs all over them! <3 I feel bad for him being the only boy out of I think like 4-5 girls! So they were putting cloths on him left and right while I watched the stroller and them trying new cloths on him! At one point he looked at me to help him get away from the maddness! LOL! But I could not do anything since he is not my child.... Never the less I probably wouldn't have done anything to save him from the cloths! LOL! He was Too Cute to NOT try cloths on! Then we went to eat Pizza at a place that I'm unable to remeber the name of at this time.... But it was good pizza for a pizza place....
then went home and started to just relax and as I was sitting here on Facebook.com I heard my Aunt Laughing Her Head Off, so I went to see why. I found that she was watching Jeff Dunham on Comedy Central, and since I love Jeff Dunham I joined in watching his act! I haven't seen him for a while and I just couldn't stop laughing! Then when it was over I came back to the computer and she watched something else! and Now I'm on here updateing you on my ever so exciting life! (sarcasim) but today was eventful and now I'm going to sit on the CPU til bed time.... Good Night All! Sweet Dreams! And I Love You, WOLFY! <3


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

All Is Good Now

Wolfy and I talked about what happend, and we've come to the conclustion that he's doesn't feel ready to be married just yet, so therefor we will be Boyfriend a Girlfriend for now until he is Absolutly ready to get married! how this came about was I asked him if he really loved me, and he said yes and that he would love to be with me til we die but he was being told by many other people that he was too young to be married which is why he did what he did, so I asked him if he would like to stay BF/GF until he was ready to get married, and he said yea that he would love that! So Now No One Has To Be Worried About Me Any More! ^_^

Friday, March 11, 2011


Hey All! I'm in Iowa now! I had a good filght! It's nice out here too! I was told by Wolfy to call him when I landed in Iowa so I did! But he was still sleeping when I called so he didn't answer his phone.... then later I get a call from his (so called) best friend telling me that Wolfy said he doesn't want to be with me anymore, I said that I wanted to hear it form him so they called him in to tell me and he said we should take a break because of how long I'm gonna be gone and that he doesn't trust me up here with a ton of guys that I'll probably never have any kind of convorsation with at all cause the only guys I know here are all family, he thinks I'll cheat on him while I'm here so he'd rather be on a break than deal with me cheating on him! Then I said "Why Whould You Think That!?!?!" and then he said I was very controlling! And I'm Like "How? I let you Do Anything You Want!" So now I all I know is that he's with his jerk friend for the weekend and that DA friend of his probably put that in his mind! And I'm So Serious Abotu Letting Him Do Whatever He Wants Beacuse I Don't Want To Be That Controlling Fiance/Wife So I Let Him Go Hang Out With His Friends Even Though They Call Me A Mother F****** B**** And A H**! So I Don't Understand How I'm Controlling! I Would Like Him To Explaine What He Means By That! I Feel Like It's Just All Coming Down On Me At Once With The Death Of 2 Of My Dearest Friends And Being Gone For At Least 2 Months With My Sick Uncle! So It's Just IDK Stupid! He Promised He Wouldn't Leave Me, And That He'd Be With Me Til The Day We Die! :'(

Sunday, March 6, 2011


I'm going on a trip this Friday! I'm gonna go to my Aunt and Uncle's in Iowa to help out a little bit.... I wish I could bring my Wolfy with me but we are not married yet and therefor he is unable to come with otherwise we would be sharing a bed and we can't do that til we get married! I'm gonna miss everyone sooooooo Much! Especially my Spiritual Family and My Wolfy! I'm gonna be gone for at least 2 months maybe even more than that! But I will have to find some way to survive this! Which will be very hard for me and Wolfy! We are so Attached to each other that when I'm gone I'll be all like "I Wish He Could Have Gone With Me!" I was gonna go to Prom with him next month but I can't now cause I won't be back on time! *siiiiiiiiiigh* Oh Well.... there is always next year! I Hope Nothing Happends Next Year That I won't Get To Go Then Too! That Would Totally Suck! I Hope That I Can Go So Long Without Seeing My Wolfy! I Have Trouble If It's Just A Week Since I Had Last Seen Him! So I Hope I'll Be Okay! Anywho.... Going back to my original point! I'm going up to Iowa to help out my Uncle cause he's in pretty bad shape with his Diabetes and my Aunt works all day and she worries about him all the time and I worry about him too so I'm gonna go help him! I'm unsure of when I'll come back! It'll be at the Least 2 Months! Long time, eh?